Specializing in Antiques & Vintage Treasures including Silver, Linens, Lace, Ephemera, Jewelry, Attire, Tea, Traditions, Stories and so much more…
Honoring the Past
Connecting it with the Present
Making it relevant to the Future
Please note: The Aurora Colony Flea show will be a two-day online virtual event until the social distancing & gathering size limitations are lifted. The upside is there will be events in June, July & August this year. Join us and support our wonderful vendors.
Items, links and other info will post over the weekend and remain available on the page for two weeks. The June dates were already set for the second weekend, July will also be to avoid the Holiday. August will be the first weekend, as will September.
September 5 & 6, 2020 from 9 on Saturday to 4 on Sunday
Thank you, we deeply appreciate your support and stay safe.
Lisa Hand

You can reach us at:
On eBay: WindHorseVentures
& Tradesy: WindHorseVentures
TicketTailor: Wind Horse Antiques
Like us on Facebook at Wind Horse Antiques
P. O. Box 889
Aurora, Oregon 97002